Merge PDF files

Maximum combined file size: 100MB, up to 500 files
Supported types: PDF, DOC, DOCX, ODT, PPT, PPTX
(other files will be converted to PDF automatically)

All files are automatically deleted 1 hour after upload.

Online PDF merge / combine tool

A free online tool for merging (combining) multiple PDF files into a single document. You can merge two or more files simultaneously, even if they have different sizes and page counts.

Rest assured, we do not impose any watermarks on the documents you create. All uploaded files are automatically removed one hour after the upload.

How to merge PDF files?

Upload all the files you need to merge (you select multiple files for upload at once by pressing and holding Ctrl or Command button and clicking on them in the file browser window or by dragging them in the form above).

Drag and drop the uploaded files to arrange them in your preferred order, then press the button below to initiate the merging process.

After a brief moment, a download icon will appear on the right. Click on it to save your freshly created PDF document or select other actions to perform on merged documents from the drop-down menu.

Remember to save your output file since we will automatically delete all files from our servers one hour after the upload.

Maybe instead of joining together PDF files, you wanted to merge multiple pages per sheet?
We have another tool called N-up for that -