Online PDF splitter

Maximum combined file size: 100MB, up to 500 files
Supported types: PDF, DOC, DOCX, ODT, PPT, PPTX, EPUB
(other files will be converted to PDF automatically)

All files are automatically deleted 1 hour after upload.

PDF splitter - extract pages from PDF

This tool allows you to upload any multi-page PDF document and split it into several files. It provides two ways how to split a PDF:

  • automatically split the document into individual pages (one page per file) with a single click;
  • manually enter page numbers where to break the PDF if you want to export a selected range of pages.

After splitting, you can download each page individually as a one page PDF, or all of them at once, as a single .zip archive containing numbered PDF files. You can upload and split multiple PDF files at once (batch processing).

This tool is free to use; we don't add any watermarks or limit the number of pages.
All files are deleted automatically 1 hour after upload.

After splitting the PDF, it's possible to combine some of the pages you choose back together in your preferred order or add pages from another document using our PDF merge tool.